
The Lion Tamer

                                    The Lion Tamer  James 4:7  1Peter 5:8   Luke 10:19   How many of you enjoy a fun trip to the zoo? They have all kinds of animals, big to small, docile to wild and all in between. Ever been at the Lion section and they roared and it made you jump back?! Sounds like something I’d do. Daniel had his own experience with the Big Cats but his were real life lions. You know… the eat you for dinner kind of Lions and they were not tamed or contained. Daniel was made governor over the King’s officials. Deep within the heart of these men was evilness. They plotted and schemed to get rid of him by creating a law that anyone who prayed to any god or person other than the King would be thrown in a den of lions. Although He knew this law was put into place, our friend Daniel continued to pray 3 times a day. It was his commitment to pray that gave him the courage to stand strong in prayer to God. Prayer will help you as well to confidently stand strong. James 4:7 sa

Let Go Of The Ordinary

  The normal, mundane and ordinary is often the place we unconsciously choose to hang out. I'm guilty of that myself. Taking time though to stop and think on not just what God has done but WHO He is reminds us that our God is so powerful! He created the very world that we live in, Yet in the everyday its so easy to get caught up in issues and all the crazy in our world. Expecting and praying from a heart that believes changes our point of view and then we find God working in us. "And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13  There is no limit to what He can do but sometimes we don't allow him to because we are wandering around aimlessly in what we can see right in front of us. However, Praying with expectation brings hope and builds our faith because we know that impossible is God's Specialty "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to the power that

The “What If” Game

As with any parent when raising my children there were times when I would have to tell them to do something they didn’t want to do or said no to something they wanted to do. I had reason behind what I told them to do.  Their innocent adorable little selves had their own agenda. So then would come the what if  _____ or what if ______?  They had a ton of scenarios to fill in the blank! I  learned the more I responded the further down the rabbit trial we went away from what they need to do or not do. In an effort to avoid the rabbit trail distractions I would simply reply “I don’t play the what if game”    How often as adults does the enemy whisper those what if scenarios  in our thoughts to lead us down rabbit trails that distract us from God’s plans or instructions for us?  What if people don’t like me? What if people don’t approve of what God asked me to do? What if I fail? The response is simple. Stand up tall and confident in the power of the Lord and say “I don’t Play the what if g

Numbered With Purpose

    As a kid I remember doing color by number pictures and paintings. Each number represented a specific color with the purpose of making a picture the way it was designed to Look.     In the Beginning of Numbers Chapter 1 God is setting up the army of Israel. He told Moses to number them by the genealogy of each of the families of the 12 tribes of Israel except for the Levites. In verse 49 it says "Only the tribe of Levi you shall not number, nor take a census of them among the children of Israel." It may seem they were being left out, but hang on though, God had a plan for them. They were appointed to be in charge of the Tabernacle and all its furnishings. The 12 tribes of Israel also were appointed as God directed. Moses was to "color" by God's numbers so that the army of Israel functioned with purpose just as God designed.      Just like the 12 tribes of Israel, God has a purpose and a plan for His church as the body of Christ. We are all called to share Gos

Taste and See/Sugar Sticks

 My mom used to talk about finding a verse or verses and hanging onto them. She called them “Sugar Sticks”   My Pastor recently had encouraged us to read the book of 1 John. In reading it today I came across a verse that I know was one of mom’s Sugar Sticks. I can almost hear her quoting it… You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.“  ‭‭I John‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬) So when life is throwing lemons at you. Put the lemons in the trash and grab your sugar stick to get rid of the sour taste the enemy throws your way. The sweetness of the Word of God and the power of God within balances the sour and stabilizes the soul.  There is nothing like the sweetness of the Lord. His presence in our life daily makes such a difference against the sour grapes that splatter against us. We can miss that sweetness if we live life religiously going thru the motions and just blindly following rules.  Spend time in His presence thru p